Monday, January 28, 2013

A digital story telling the process of making a digital story...

Start to finish how elementary kiddos create digital stories.  Kids and technology these days, its their way of life.


  1. The kids clearly love it, I just wish that some of these great videos would tell the programs they are using so that it could be duplicated by someone who has never done it before.

  2. I watched this same video when I was investigating digital storytelling earlier this week. The students are clearly motivated and comfortable with the program(s) they are using and the whole process of digital storytelling. Although I do agree with the above comment- I too wish the videos included the programs used inside of the classroom. It would make it much easier to emulate these experiences inside of my own classroom.

  3. On YouTube, the comment shows that the students used GarageBand's Enhanced Podcasting feature. This makes me think they did the whole tech part with Mac, and, thus, they probably used iMovie for the organizing of the photos and editing.

  4. Thanks for posting this information Judy. I wish I had time right now to have already tried all these great programs... but of course it is benchmarks time and the whole crunch before February Break has arrived. I will definitely be using iMovie.
