Sunday, February 24, 2013

Preschool Expectations Digital Stories

In my PreK Special Ed classes I frequently use social stories to teach children about feelings, calming down, as well as classroom rules and expectations.  As part of a SPDG PBIS Grant through SERC, our department created a set of social stories about our preschool expectations.

With having an interactive whiteboard in my classroom that I frequently use for instruction, I decided to turn these social stories digital.  I am anticipating creating a whole series relating to different parts of our day including snack, the hallway and the bus.  In the digital stories you will note repeated phrases and pictures, especially our three preschool expectations, be safe, be kind and do your best!


  1. Very cute videos! Nice to share on the Smartboard to go along with class expectations for the little ones.

  2. We also do PBIS and this year was our pilot year. Taking the kids to all of the locations and trying to do these lessons on the spot was really inconvenient (imagine the bathroom ones!). I love the idea of creating digital lessons! Great thinking, hope you don't mind if I borrow it ;)
    If only we had the same three goals... Ours is be safe, responsible, respectful.
